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Where will streaming media 和 entertainment go now that we have the skinny bundle? 2016年将会被人们记住,因为这一年瘦包终于开始流行起来了. 多年来, we’d been looking forward to the day when we could ditch our overpriced pay TV service 和 choose a low-cost skinny bundle instead.

现在瘦骨嶙峋的身材成为了现实——多亏了Sling TV, DirecTV现在, 和 Sony PlayStation Vue— consumers find that their bloated pay TV packages aren’t so bad, 毕竟. 首先,他们拥有人们想要的所有频道. Skinny bundles are great, but only if viewers can get the programs they love. 许多消费者发现,他们不喜欢电视内容受到限制.

到目前为止, 没有瘦身套餐提供单点频道选择, 而且没有一家提供云dvr, 要么. Since they make money serving targeted ads, they don’t let subscribers skip commercials.

If 2016 was the year skinny bundles became a reality, 2017 will be the year they become truly useful. 2016年底,Sling TV开始对云DVR进行beta测试, 它应该会在今年的某个时候成为捆绑包的一部分. 生产无线天线的Tablo公司也在测试一款云DVR.

瘦捆绑包的选择是有限的,但这也将在2017年改变. 公司去年只是在水里试水. DirecTV推出 DirecTV现在 in November, making the choice to cannibalize its own business before someone else did. The number of cord-cutters increased steadily in 2016 和 pay TV subscriber losses mounted, but the major cable 和 satellite companies aren’t going anywhere just yet.

2017年更多的流媒体选择将说服更多的人放弃有线电视. 2016年,紧身包受到了很多关注, OTT (over-the-top)订阅服务获得了大量的行动. Viewers flocked to them 和 revenue surged; Digital TV 研究 Ltd. 预计全球OTT收入将增长至64美元.到2021年将达到80亿美元. 去年,nbc环球(NBCUniversal)等公司高调亮相 Seeso,传奇的Alpha,以及全屏的点播服务.

It’s no surprise that Netflix continued to dominate in the SVOD market in 2016. The company started the year with a bang when it announced a 130-country rollout at CES, 使它在世界上几乎每个国家都可以使用. Netflix has found a winning formula in creating its own original series 和 movies, which helps it avoid licensing fees while keeping subscribers happy with a steady stream of buzzy releases. 人们不停地谈论意外袭击 陌生的东西 2016年,尽管 卢克·凯奇《欧洲杯在线投注赔率》 皇冠 都有成功的发行. 

Hulu ran a distant second during 2016, but that just means it’s trying harder. Hulu发布了自己的原创节目,包括 的路径 11.22.63. It also announced an ad-free tier in August that let subscribers pay $4 more per month for the pleasure of never sitting through ads. 而公司首席执行官迈克·霍普金斯则淡化了这一层的受欢迎程度, 粉丝们的反应似乎很强烈.

2016年,Hulu花了很多时间来整合自己的“瘦身包”, 预计将于今年推出,每月费用约为40美元. 到目前为止,迪士尼和21世纪福克斯已经签约. 预计Hulu的捆绑服务将成为今年的一大新闻.

2016年,电视无处不在(TV Everywhere,简称TVE)终于找到了自己的定位。. 而TVE早在2010年就出现了, it was choked by limited offerings 和 difficult authentication requirements. 今年, comScore 和 Nielsen finally started measuring views on connected TVs 和 set-top boxes, 为网络公司提供了一种从他们连接的客厅视图中获利的方式. 有了经济激励, the networks finally started creating living room apps 和 stocking them with catch-up programs 和 full seasons. 观众们很快就跟上了,使得网络应用在机顶盒上流行起来. TVE authentication requirements didn’t get any simpler (despite Adobe announcing support for Apple TV single sign-on APIs in June), 但有更多的优质内容免费提供, 观众们想出了如何输入他们的密码.

2016年无处不在的一个话题是虚拟现实(VR)视频, 以及360°视频和增强现实(AR)视频. While the actual number of people watching VR video is still low 和 largely limited to gaming, 这并没有阻止它成为一年中最热的地区之一. 科技公司正争相开发虚拟现实头盔, 为了从不断增长的销量中获利,公司卖出了大约300台,2016年假期期间将有1000台VR头显。.

VR has more than a few skeptics—people who think the devices are too expensive 和 too cumbersome— but even more die-hard believers. 他们一整年都在说,VR绝对不会成为另一个3D电视. 他们坚持认为,这不是一时的狂热. 他们可能是对的, 但如果我们在2016年了解到一件关于VR的事情, it’s that this is just the beginning of a long period of research 和 development. VR在5到10年内不会真正成为主流. 到那时, 头戴式耳机将更小、更舒适, 它们的价格也会缩水. 但这并没有阻止出版商和品牌商的加入, 然而, 希望能在这个热门的新领域抢先一步.

最后, no discussion of streaming media 和 entertainment in 2016 would be complete without mentioning the Summer Olympics in Rio. 美国全国广播公司(NBC)再一次获得了美国电视节目冠军.S. 游戏版权, 和 it partnered with Akamai 和 its own Playmaker Media to bring more streamed content than ever to American viewers. 每一件事的每一分钟都有直播.

在比赛结束时, Akamai 宣布它流3.从里约出发30亿分钟,2分钟.其中70亿人存活. NBC对奥运会的报道吸引了1亿独立观众. With the Summer Games being bigger 和 more popular that its Winter Games counterparts, 这个记录应该会保持4年左右. 在这一年里,视频直播活动的数量出现了巨大增长, 没有什么比里约奥运会更盛大的了.

这是我们过去的一年,但未来的一年呢? To predict how the streaming video world will change in 2017, we called in a few experts.


Our professional prognosticators include Greg Irel和, research director with 国际数据公司(IDC)的高级顾问乔尔·埃斯皮林 扩散组 (隔离). 美国人今年将看到一些主要的瘦身包上市, 包括来自Hulu和YouTube的参赛者. 该地区在2017年面临挑战, 爱尔兰认为, 和 part of that is because the entrenched pay TV services treat skinny bundles as simply a new lower tier of service. 它们是留住客户的生命线,否则客户可能会流失, 也是维持用户数量的一种方法, 但它们本身并不具有吸引力. 这些捆绑包的有限性使许多人无法接受它们.

“The saying goes everyone only watches about 15 channels but everyone’s 15 is different from everyone else’s,爱尔兰说. “There may be an attractively priced skinny bundle that has 80% of what you want or 70% of what you want but if it doesn’t have those three or four or five other channels are essential then the skinny bundle becomes a nonstarter or it forces you to shift your viewing behavior.”

瘦捆绑包给消费者带来的是更低价格的选择, 但消费者真正想要的是更多的选择和更多的内容. 有一种方法可以同时提供两者, 和 it involves creating strong user experiences 和 discovery options so that subscribers can find shows 和 movies that interest them while paying for a small bundle of channels.

“The way really to unlock the value of content subscriptions are great user experiences that have elegant 和 robust content discovery mechanisms whether it’s search, 不管是建议, whether it’s other ways in which consumers can fully exploit all of the content that they subscribe to,爱尔兰说. “我认为消费者想要内容选择. They want access to lots of content, but that content can’t be valued if it’s not discoverable. I think the efforts around user experience 和 content discovery have to go h和-in-h和 with thinking about adding skinny bundles to the existing portfolio of other larger bundle services.”

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


电视高峰已过. 嗯,那没花多长时间. We now have more of a good thing than we ever wanted—和 more is on the way. 这能持续多久?


去年,观众们将钱包打开,选择了瘦身套餐和SVOD服务, 还有更多的原因.


4K正在进入市场, but it's the profound visual richness of high dynamic range video that will really revolutionize how people watch television. 流媒体网络正在引领潮流.


所有的目光都集中在Netflix上,但它面临着前所未有的竞争. 随着每周都有新的小众产品出现,OTT领域正在蓬勃发展.

媒体现状 & 娱乐视频2015

The rapid growth of OTT services 和 the slow decline of cable seen in the last year portends a breakout 2015, 但不要指望很快就能大规模采用4K或“电视无处不在”


Netflix之间, Hulu, 亚马逊, 紫外线, YouTube, 和其他人, 观众有更多精彩的内容可以观看,有更多的流媒体播放方式.


Online video met cable 和 broadcast in a big way in 2012, setting the stage for an even bigger 2013.


“掐线”现象正在上升, Netflix和谷歌电视的未来还悬而未决, 像HBO GO这样的服务正在为真正的随时随地铺平道路, 无处不在的在线视频世界


The future looks bright for streaming media content providers in their fight for consumers' attention.