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回顾:Teradek video Go

I found the VidiU Go to be up to the Teradek standard of professional production gear, 现在来看看手机, 绑定流媒体观众.

When you need bonded wireless internet connectivity, there are a few choices. 但我不认为有一个像Teradek video Go那样整合. 从技术上讲,这是VidiU系统的第三次迭代, 原文之后, 然后是Pro, 现在是Go. It will push your video stream across wired 以太网, WiFi, and two cellular connections.


Teradek video Go (下面的图1) enables you to directly attach two dedicated cellular modems to either side of the unit, 内置WiFi和以太网. All of the antennas use standard connections so they could be replaced with larger or more directional antennas as needed. 这是与竞争系统的关键区别. 甚至是Teradek早期的一些解决方案, 就像邦德, 使用消费者u盘蜂窝调制解调器来获取数据.

图1. Teradek video Go

Each of the Teradek Node modems for the VidiU Go screws into the side of the unit and uses a standard USB connector for power and data. The SIM card fits into the modem and the whole assembly feels very well integrated. It doesn’t require a bunch of USB sticks dangling off the sides to get your stream out, 虽然这也是可能的, 如果你已经拥有它们,并且更愿意走这条路.

The VidiU Go has an easy-to-use screen and a prominent red record button to get things going (下面的图2). 前面还有四向导航和输入按钮.


图2. video Go电源和导航

所有的I/O都在背面,包括:USBc用于电源,3.5毫米音频输入,3.5mm耳机,以太网,HDMI和SDI. 唯一的例外是用于内部记录的Micro - SD插槽. That is housed on the side where the modems attach, but the slot is in the VidiU and not the modem. I would have liked to see this instead be accessible on the back of the unit, 而不是隐藏在连接的节点调制解调器下.

在机组下面是一个小风扇,以帮助冷却机组, 和1/4-20螺纹孔,方便安装在螺纹支架顶部, 摄像机显示适配器, 或者魔法手臂. The rugged storage case with custom-cut foam comes with HDMI, SDI, and Ethernet cables.

The informative display seen in 图2 shows the power source and the quality of each cellular connection. 您可以轻松地翻页广播设置, 记录, video, audio, 网络, 云, 和系统. 当系统关闭并充电时, 轻敲前面板的中心按钮告诉你电池的电量.


There is no shortage of devices that will compress video to push it online to a CDN. 从背包里 我去年10月评测过的Link Pro, 到许多公司非常便宜的小型手持设备, 甚至直接集成到一些摄像机中, 这在当今的互联世界中变得非常普遍.

以下是今天vidu Go带来的内容:

• integrated, high-quality cellular modems for bonded cellular internet connection
集成802.11 WiFi连接本地可用WiFi进行上传, 或者用手持设备通过WiFi直接控制vidu Go. Teradek有一款针对iOS的视频应用.
• H.265 HEVC用于上传至CORE,降低数据传输成本. 虽然HEVC还不能应用于Facebook这样的目的地, you can leverage CORE to transcode and distribute your stream to multiple 目的地.

而vidu Go却没有, 不像Link Pro, 共享它在自己的WiFi网络上创建的绑定蜂窝连接. VidiU Go的设计目的只是连接 to 本地WiFI作为视频上传的潜在互联网连接. 您可以直接连接到vidu Go, 通过WiFi进行本地管理,并通过VidiU应用程序进行配置.

如果你没有使用本地WiFi, the VidiU Go defaults to an Access Point (AP) mode and you can connect to it as a WAP, 启动应用程序, 然后配置设备. 如果你使用本地WiFi上传, 然后将VidiU Go和iOS设备连接到本地WAP, 当你启动应用程序时, it seeks out the VidiU Go over the local area 网络 so you can administer it.


Administering several devices in the field is handy for administrators sending out crews who need to focus on the event, 或者生产, and not trying to configure RTMP 目的地 and IP whatnots in the field. 打开它, 它连接到CORE, 管理员为这个特定流设置目的地.

CORE不需要使用video GO. But you need either CORE or Sharelink to make use of the bonding capability across cellular, 以太网, 当地的无线网络, 热点, 等. Both CORE and Sharelink also enable delivery to multiple 目的地 from one upload stream (图3).

图3. CORE和Sharelink的特性比较

另外, CORE提供后端可配置性和管理, 或多个流媒体设备, 事件, 目的地, 和更多的. HEVC H.265 is not yet supported by RTMP, so CORE accepts HEVC from VidiU Go and then transcodes it to H.264统一兼容性. 您还可以记录进入CORE的流.

核心(下面的图4) can be set up with a $0/month account so you pay for only the services you need, 当你需要他们的时候, 以及你通过服务器推送的数据. This means you can pick and choose what you use every time you fire up the VidiU Go if that is what you want.


图4. Teradek CORE仪表板

Anthony burrokas评论了新的Teradek Wave, 结合成键, 编码, 流媒体, 记录, and monitoring in a single compact devices that users control using Teradek's handy 流媒体 app on its 7" touchscreen.
Airmix comes in two versions: the full-featured Airmix iOS video production suite ($29.每月99美元),以及免费的Airmix Solo. This article will touch on some of the differentiating features of each version. We'll also explore how Airmix Solo works and how you can use it to elevate your live streams with minimal additional investment.
安东尼Burokas provides an in-depth look at the Teradek Vidiu X Live Streaming Encoder.
Paul Schmutzler demonstrates how to stream to multiple social platforms simultaneously with the Teradek VidiU Go.
Paul Schmutzler explains how you can take advantage of the cost and bandwidth savings of HEVC in your livestreams with the Teradek VidiU Go.
Paul Schmutzler demonstrates how to deliver a solid stream from any location with the Teradek VidiU Go.
Teradek的Link Pro双肩包提供增强型多输入, 多输出)蜂窝连接, 加上键合蜂窝的可靠性, 连接到Teradek强大的Link WiFi接入点, and all rolled together in a backpack powered by your choice of V-Lock or 3-stud battery.
This tutorial demonstrates how to boost your 流媒体 throughput by sharing signals from up to four iPhones with the Teradek VidiU Pro via ShareLink